COTMA Conference 1978 Christchurch


The Full document – 4.8MB download 


List of Papers



1.      “Historical Flashback – Trams in the Streets – how far can our Museums go in Recreating History” – Dave Hinman


2.      “The Crich Experience – Analysis of a Successful Museum” – Geoffrey Claydon


3.      “The Pros and Cons of a Composite Museum” – Simon Wood


4.      “Design and Maintenance of Compressed Air Systems” – R. J. Scott


5.      “The ‘new’ Museums and the ‘Tourist’” – Peter Rendall






1a        Progress in Archival Storage, Recovery and Display of Tramway Era Relics

1b        Lessons of Crich for COTMA Members

1c        New Projects – Recent Experience in Designing, Funding and Implementation


2a        Can you Involve other groups on your site?  What are suitable and How to go about it.

2b        Site Planning and Co-ordination if Various Groups are involved.

2c        Why a Composite Museum – Funding: Who gets What and Why – Sharing of the Cake.


3a        Museum Compressed Air use – Standards, Parts Availability, Maintenance etc.

3b        Progress – Upgrading Safety Programmes

3c        Track Work Engineering – A comparison of Techniques and Skills being developed by Museums.


4a        Enticing People to Your Museum – the Public

4b        Enticing People to Your Museum – Work Parties

4c        Auckland Trolley Bus Spare Parts


5a        Financial – Subscriptions, Systems, Sales and Fund Raising

5c        Restoration, Methods, Parts, Liaison etc.

5e        Archives and Libraries


Panel Discussion – Volunteers v. Paid Staff: Preserving and Promoting Harmony and Productivity


Open Forum – Observations at Ferrymead – A Critical Analysis




Individual Presentations – Progress of Each Museum over the past twelve months.